Episode #86 — Four Peterborough students look at environmental politics & the pandemic

The current cohort of high school & college students is graduating into a vastly-changed — and drastically diminished– job market when compared with former classes who graduated even just a few years ago. Career planning is suddenly on pause. Summer jobs have evaporated, post-secondary courses have migrated to online-only, and the underlying global economy is creeping into a recession. Previous graduates could move out of their family homes and live independently. For this generation, living at home may be the only game in town for some time. Somehow our intrepid panel — Malaika Collette, Annabelle Valiant Fraser, Jake Douglas & Kaia Martin– finds optimism in the midst of this pandemic’s disruptions. They apply their strong analytical skills to unravel the linkages between climate change, environmental degradation and the pandemic. The future is in very capable hands, even if they must deal with the environmental chaos bequeathed by older generations. This panel discussion was recorded online on May 22nd; the audio quality is not equal to that of the discussions we used to record at Trent Radio, now closed indefinitely. Feedback is most welcome; just send me a note at bill(dot)templeman(at)gmail(dot)com or comment on this site.

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